Thanks for purchasing the ClearOut Phone plugin for Mautic.
Like any Mautic plugin you will unzip the plugin.
Copy the ClearOut Phone plugin folder to the folder plugins, in the Mautic installation. It will be in the root or first level of the installation.
Clear the cache folder from Mautic using the standard procedure:
The easiest is to go to the /app/cache folder and delete its content. If you want to do it via CLI command, navigate to the Mautic root folder and run rm -rf app/cache/* . The new cache files will generate itself after the next Mautic refresh in the browser.
Now open Mautic and login.
On the dashboard click the gear icon in the top right. This opens the configuration menu, click plugins.
Select the ClearOut plugin by clicking on it.
You will now have a box with two entries that you must make.
First is the ClearOut Phone API token. (note this is different from your token)
Login to your account.
Go to your profile page and generate an API token by clicking the button if one is not already created.
Copy this API Token to the Token field on the Mautic Plugin Configuration.
Next enter your Gautit License into the License Key.
Click Apply.
Click the Features tab to get to this screen.
If you would like the plugin to process all existing names in the contact list, check the top box. If you only want to process new names, make sure the box is unchecked.
You may also select on whether to replace phone numbers that are scanned with the official e164 format, which is an international phone number standardization.
Installation is now complete.
Using the plugin:
New contacts and imported contacts will be processed through ClearOutPhone.
Add a contact with a phone number in either or both the phone and mobile fields into Mautic.
Then open the contact from the contacts menu in Mautic, you will see a couple of tags added to the contact.
Existing tags will not be modified.
Tags that can be added:
- clearoutphoneComplete – The plugin called ClearOutPhone and received a result for the phone field.
- clearoutmobileComplete – The plugin called ClearOutPhone and received a result for the mobile field.
- clearoutphonePending – The plugin called ClearOutPhone and did not receive a result for the phone field, this tag will be used by the cron job to resubmit.
- clearoutmobilePending – The plugin called ClearOutPhone and did not receive a result for the mobile field, this tag will be used by the cron job to resubmit.
If the clearoutphoneComplete and clearoutmobileComplete tags are in place, then you will also have these additional tags.
- clearoutphoneInvalid
- clearoutphoneValid
- clearoutmobileInvalid
- clearoutmobileValid
You can use these tags to segment your contacts. See the ClearOutPhone documentation for their explanation of the returned results. documentation
If an error is returned, or you have run out of daily credits or similar error, the entry will be tagged with clearPending.
The plugin utilizes two cron jobs to resubmit the phone numbers until they are validated.
php path/to/mautic/app/console clearout:validate:phone
php path/to/mautic/app/console clearout:validate:mobile
Set it to run once a day at a minimum, that will give ClearOutPhone a chance to reset its daily count if you are on a plan that has daily restrictions. We set most of our clients to run every hour, remember this is just for contacts that did not process when they were entered.
That’s it! Thanks again for using our plugin. Let us know what other plugins you would like to see.