Gautit NameAPI Mautic Plugin – Unlimited Websites


NameAPI is a free and paid service platform to work with names. It provides functionality in the form of web services to do name parsingname genderizingname matchingname formatting, and more.


Data quality is a key success factor in Internet marketing. Incorrect or incomplete forms of address lead to deliverability  problems, embarrassing personalization, and brand rejection.


NameAPI offers a wide set to validate names, from spelling correction to gender validation to fake name detection.


Data Enhancement

In marketing, when detailed data records are not available, segmentation may be made based on estimates on the people’s names.


With our plugin, you can bring the power of NameAPI to Mautic!!


note: our plugin does not include any NameAPI credits.  Those are purchased separately at the website.


Validate name entries to your Mautic platform as they are entered.  Allows you to create a personalized and non-personalized segments within Mautic.


How does that work? As a contact is entered into Mautic with the GautIt! NameAPI plugin, the name is scored and tagged if it is a valid name or not.  We recommend adding the valid names to a personalized segment.  But invalid names like: qwerty asdfadf, or Mickey Mouse, will be tagged as invalid, and you add them to a non-personalized segment.


Now when you create a campaign, you can use the personalized list to really get personal with the user, sprinkling their name and information into the emails, you can even mention specific features based on whether they are male or female, or have entirely different tones.


The non-personalized list is, well, just that.  Generic, which is how many of us write our emails now, because we don’t specifically know if we are dealing with a good name, which gender or if it was formatted properly when entered.


With Gautit NameAPI and our plugin you get the ability to use:

  • Hi Greg,   not Hi greg,
  • Hi, not  Hi asdfdas,
  • Gender identification for segmentation based on the first name.
  • Name formatting (proper capitalization and handle the McDonald, O’Toole, VanMeter and other double cap spellings)


Entries are tagged with the plugin with one of the tags as returned by Gautit NameAPI:

  • nameapiInvalid
  • nameapiValid

Additional tags are added for even more control within your segments.


You can use these tags to segment your contacts.


Should you run out of daily credits with Gautit NameAPI, the plugin utilizes a cron job to resubmit the emails until they are validated.


Supports entries from forms, dashboard, and CSV imports.  Install the plugin and use Mautic like you normally do and all new entries will be submitted and tagged.


Configuration option to run all your existing contacts through Gautit NameAPI.

Category: Tags: , , , ,

Is the name you just collected a real name?   How many people in your database are: qcaslduaseor, qweruert, or nothanks?


Ever sent a personalized email that went out looking like “Dear qewrreery,”?   Or in the body of the email, “as you know pouasd;lasndrne”.   How embarrassing, and reinforcing to the user that you don’t really know them.  (Even if they did put the junk in the name line.)


With the GautIt Name plugin you can use available services to check the names of your users as you add them into your contact list.  Why?  Now you can personalize email’s, texts and even web content with confidence that your personalization will look good and not be a distraction to the reader.


Our plugin verifies the name in realtime and adds a Mautic tag to allow you to easily segment based on the tag.


Works with Mautic version 3.x, version 4.0.x and version 4.1.x.



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